2019年11月10日 星期日


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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2019/11/11第323期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 蝝�镼輯�剖��撖嗯����憟��圈野
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� ������蝵�
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
The Small but Mighty Kiwi

Many countries choose national animals that represent their culture for the rest of the world to see. Some are powerful beasts like tigers and wolves. Some have wings like eagles and dragons. New Zealand, on the other hand, chose the kiwi. Why would a country want to be known for a cute but small bird that can��t even fly?
These days, ��Kiwi�� is a term for a person from New Zealand. But the origins of the kiwi as the national bird come from the culture of the native Maori people. The Maori have long held the bird in high regard, going so far as to use the bird��s feathers to make special cloaks worn by chiefs and other people of high rank. Maoris believed kiwis to be the ��hidden bird�� of the god of the forest.
To New Zealanders, the kiwi symbolizes their uniqueness. This bird is not found anywhere else in the natural world and is unusual in many ways. For example, kiwi chicks leave the nest after only five days and feed themselves instead of depending on their parents.



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dead glacier
�啣雀餈��亦�箄府��蝚砌�璇���瘞���������瘨�憭梁����Ok�啣���嚗�Okj繹kull嚗�蝡�蝣�蝝�敹蛛�蝘�摮詨振銵函內閮勗��啣�銋�甇��Z�函�詨���賡����蝝�敹萇�憿��綽���蝯行�芯���銝�撠�靽∼��嚗�A letter to the future嚗�嚗��潛捲銝�鈭粹��閬��啣�瘨������函��������敶梢�踴��
�� declare v. 摰�蝔晞��銵冽��嚗�摰�撣�
�� peak n. 撅勗陸��撅梢��嚗���撜�
�� memorial n. 蝝�敹菜暑��嚗�蝝�敹萇�
�� plaque n. 憌暹�選��暸�
�� remnant n. 畾�擗��典��

A team of scientists hiked to the peak of a volcano to hold a memorial for a dead glacier.

�� climate changen. 瘞���霈���
�� global warming n. �函������
�� greenhouse effect n. 皞怠恕����
�� mass extinction n. phr. 憭扳�蝯�

2019/11/4 (銝�)

Indeed, the future is looking bright for this strange-looking bird that continues to do its fellow "Kiwis" proud as the lovable national symbol of New Zealand.

2019/11/5 (鈭�)

While you already know how delicious chocolate is, there's so much more to learn about it.

2019/11/6 (銝�)

Not only is chocolate a delicious snack, but it also has a rich history and surprising health benefits.

2019/11/7 (��)

Dennis and Andrea are discussing where to take their vacation.

2019/11/8 (鈭�)

It's supposed to get up to 36 degrees later in the week.

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