2016年3月17日 星期四

Japan's Maker of Mascots Feeds a Nation's Craving for Cuteness/熊本熊也出自他手 吉祥物製造商滿足日人萌癮

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2016/03/18 第111期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Japan's Maker of Mascots Feeds a Nation's Craving for Cuteness/熊本熊也出自他手 吉祥物製造商滿足日人萌癮
Oil Prices Fray Saudi Promise of Easy Jobs/油元大減 沙國青年捲起衣袖
Japan's Maker of Mascots Feeds a Nation's Craving for Cuteness/熊本熊也出自他手 吉祥物製造商滿足日人萌癮

For some of Japan's most adored celebrities, the journey to fame starts in a converted Internet cafe above a bowling alley in this sunny southwestern city.

This is where Hiromi Kano runs her unlikely star factory, an enterprise whose most successful creations are recognized by millions. Some have huge followings on Twitter and earn billions of yen in revenue. At least one has met the emperor.



The idols churned out by Kano, 55, are mascots — the smiling, dancing animals, mutated foodstuffs and saucer-eyed humanoids that promote every conceivable thing in Japan, from out-of-the-way tourist spots to careers in the military.

Kano is a costume maker, though no one in her industry would describe the job so bluntly.



"We have a motto, which is that there's no human inside," said Kano, a mother of two with a warm smile who oversees the workshop and its roughly 40 employees, almost all women.

Whimsical mascots have become almost as closely associated with Japan as Mount Fuji and sushi. Popular for decades, they have become a virtual obsession in recent years, and seemingly every town, business and arm of government now has one.



So ubiquitous are mascots that last year, Japan's Finance Ministry suggested that public agencies think twice before creating more, fearing that taxpayer money was being wasted. Osaka prefecture alone was found to be supporting 92 of them, including two dogs for separate tax departments and a caped, flying hot-water bottle representing pharmaceutical regulation. The governor ordered a cull.


Kano said business was still booming, though.

"Japanese people have this desire to take the sharp edges off things, to take hard things and make them soft," she said. "If you want to explain, say, industrial waste, adding a character softens the message and helps it get through to people."



There are dozens of mascot-outfit makers in Japan, but the Kano family's company, Kigurumi.biz, stands out in the crowd. Its suits, which cost $4,000 to $6,500, are the Cadillacs of the mascot world, with features like motorized fans to keep their occupants cool during Japan's humid summers. Most are based on existing images, but Kano employs artists who can create characters from scratch or who can refine customers' designs.


Oil Prices Fray Saudi Promise of Easy Jobs/油元大減 沙國青年捲起衣袖
Ben Hubbard

In pressed white robes and clutching crisp resumes, young Saudi men packed a massive hall at a university in the capital city this month to wait in long lines to pitch themselves to employers.

It was one of three job fairs in Riyadh in two weeks, and the high attendance was fueled in part by fear among the younger generation of what a future of cheap oil will mean in a country where oil is everything.



For decades, the royal family has used the kingdom's immense oil wealth to lavish benefits on its people, including free education and medical care, generous energy subsidies and well-paid (and often undemanding) government jobs. No one paid taxes, and if political rights were not part of the equation, that was fine with most people.

But the drop in oil prices to below $30 a barrel from more than $100 a barrel in June 2014 means that the old math no longer works. Low oil prices have knocked a chunk out of the government budget and now pose a threat to the unwritten social contract that has long underpinned life in the kingdom, the Arab world's largest economy and a key American ally.



The shift is already echoing through the economy, with government projects delayed, spending limits imposed on ministries and high-level discussions about measures long considered impossible, like imposing taxes and selling shares of Saudi Aramco, the state-run oil giant that is estimated to be the world's most valuable company.

For younger Saudis — 70 percent of the population is under 30 — the oil shock has meant a lowering of expectations as they face the likelihood that they will have to work harder than their parents, enjoy less job security and receive fewer perks.



"For the older generation, it was easier," said Abdulrahman Alkhelaifi, 20, during a break from his job at McDonald's. "They'd get out of university and get a government job. Now you need an advanced degree."

Of his generation, he said, "The weight is on our necks."

It is hard to overstate the importance of oil in the development of modern Saudi Arabia. Oil wealth allowed the ruling Al Saud family to maintain its grip on power, wield clout abroad through checkbook diplomacy and invest billions of dollars in promoting an austere interpretation of Islam around the world.





冷壓蔬果汁 真的那麼好嗎?
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