2016年12月12日 星期一

Make School: Teaching the Maker Generation  學以致用

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2016/12/13 第293期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Make School: Teaching the Maker Generation  學以致用
by Daniel Howard

Make School is a new kind of school teaching the skills college misses.
Make School 是一種新式學校,教導大學所欠缺的技巧。

  Making your own app or product can be difficult. Not only does it require computer skills like coding and design, but building an app also requires business skills such as talking to investors and managing money. It is a good thing that Make School now _(1)_.
  Founded in 2012, Make School is _(2)_ tied with Silicon Valley, which is home to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and many more of the world's most advanced high-tech companies. Being part of the Silicon Valley start-up culture, Make School has very _(3)_ goals: to teach necessary skills that university graduates do not learn in school. This includes critical thinking, _(4)_, and practical business sense.
  Make School has a number of programs, including its Summer Academy and Product Academy. The summer program is just the length of the summer break, but the Product Academy is a two-year program that _(5)_ both the technical and social skills necessary for success. Students also get the chance to work as interns at start-ups and _(6)_ companies. This on-the-job experience makes it much more likely that graduates can find a good job or even start their own company.
  Tuition is over $10,000 a year, _(7)_, so Make School isn't cheap. Luckily, American citizens and residents who want to attend Make School can use Income Based Repayment. This means that the students repay the school based on their salary after graduating. The idea is to give students an education without incurring a huge student debt, and it opens the program up to people who couldn't normally afford higher education.

1. (A) differs  (B) vanishes  (C) exists  (D) collapses
2. (A) closely  (B) strangely  (C) carelessly  (D) accidentally
3. (A) imaginary  (B) artificial  (C) weary  (D) specific
4. (A) hindrance  (B) creativity  (C) fortune  (D) mystery
5. (A) deals with  (B) abides by  (C) evolves from  (D) reflects on
6. (A) prestigious  (B) systematic  (C) insignificant  (D) permissive
7. (A) likewise  (B) therefore  (C) however  (D) otherwise

  1. It is a good thing that Make School now exists.
    如今,Make School 存在真是一則福音。
    a. (A) differ vi. 不同,相異
    衍: differ from...  不同於……
    = be different from...
    Terry differs from his parents in many ways.
    (B) vanish vi. 消失
    同: disappear vi.
    The two bank robbers ran out of the bank and vanished without a trace.
    *without a trace  失去蹤影,未留下任何線索
    (C) exist vi. 存在
    Several rare species of plants exist in this area of the country.
    (D) collapse vi. 倒塌,塌陷
    Many buildings collapsed when that devastating earthquake occurred.
    *devastating a. 破壞力大的
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. Founded in 2012, Make School is closely tied with Silicon Valley, which is home to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and many more of the world's most advanced high-tech companies.
    Make School 創立於 2012 年,該校與矽谷有密切的關係,矽谷為谷歌、臉書、推特、雅虎以及許多世界上最先進高科技公司的所在地。
    a. (A) closely adv. 緊密地;密切地
    Some people feel that government policy should focus more closely on education.
    (B) strangely adv. 怪異地
    What's wrong with Tony? He's acting really strangely.
    (C) carelessly adv. 不小心地
    Tim carelessly discarded a cigarette butt and caused a fire.
    *discard vt. 丟棄,遺棄
    (D) accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地
    同: by accident
    Susan accidentally deleted all her files from the computer.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. Being part of the Silicon Valley start-up culture, Make School has very specific goals: to teach necessary skills that university graduates do not learn in school.
    作為矽谷新創公司文化的一部份,Make School 具有非常具體的目標:教導大學畢業生在學校學不到的必備技能。
    a. (A) imaginary a. 想像中的,虛構的
    When Sandra was young, she had an imaginary friend.
    (B) artificial a. 人工的,人造的
    The material feels like silk, but it's actually artificial fiber.
    (C) weary a. 疲憊的;厭倦的
    Traveling is the best cure for a weary heart.
    (D) specific a. 特定的
    Billy was driving around without a specific destination in mind.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. This includes critical thinking, creativity, and practical business sense.
    a. (A) hindrance n. 障礙,絆腳石
    衍: be a hindrance to...  是……的阻礙/絆腳石
    His parents' objection is a hindrance to Larry's marriage.
    (B) creativity n. 創造力
    When it comes to creativity, no one can compare to my younger brother.
    (C) fortune n. 財富;好運
    Rex lived a luxurious life after he made a fortune investing in real estate.
    (D) mystery n. 神祕(的事物)
    The assassination remained an unsolved mystery for 50 years.
    *assassination n. 暗殺,行刺
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. The summer program is just the length of the summer break, but the Product Academy is a two-year program that deals with both the technical and social skills necessary for success.
    a. (A) deal with...  處理/應付……
    Bill tried to convince the boss that he was able to deal with the problem on his own.
    (B) abide by...  遵守……
    同: comply with...
    = conform to...
    It is important to abide by all the safety rules in the construction zone.
    (C) evolve from...  從……進化/演變而來
    evolve vi. 進化,演化
    Biologists think that birds probably evolved from reptiles.
    *reptile n. 爬蟲類
    (D) reflect on / upon...  思考/反省……
    The boss wants us to take some time to reflect on what he said at the meeting.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. Students also get the chance to work as interns at start-ups and prestigious companies.
    a. (A) prestigious a. 有名望的
    Several underprivileged students were given full scholarships to the prestigious university.
    *underprivileged a. 貧困的;下層社會的
    (B) systematic a. 有系統的
    In an assembly line, everything must be done in a systematic way.
    *an assembly line  生產線
    (C) insignificant a. 不重要的;微不足道的
    Our actions, no matter how insignificant, affect others.
    (D) permissive a. 寬容的
    The boss is permissive about our schedule as long as the work gets done.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  7. Tuition is over $10,000 a year, however, so Make School isn't cheap.
    然而,一學年的學費超過一萬美元,因此 Make School並不便宜。
    a. (A) likewise adv. 同樣地
    I always respect other people's privacy. Likewise, I don't want anyone to encroach upon mine.
    *encroach vi. 侵入,侵佔
    (B) therefore adv. 因此,所以
    Luke's passport has expired and is therefore invalid.
    *invalid a. 無效的
    (C) however adv. 然而,不過
    We saw a rainbow in the sky. Before long, however, it vanished.
    (D) otherwise adv. 否則,不然
    Unless otherwise noted, you should arrive one hour early for the performance.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. investor n. 投資者
    衍: invest vi. & vt. 投資
    The investors were very pleased with the profits they made in the stock market.
    By investing wisely, Alan accumulated a fortune.
    *accumulate vt. 累積
  2. manage vt. 管理;處理
    衍: managed to V  設法做到……
    Wendy aided her husband in managing the company.
    *aid sb in V-ing  協助某人做……
    Jennifer managed to raise funds to expand her business.
  3. advanced a. 先進的;進階的
    The school offers courses ranging from basic to advanced levels.
  4. necessary a. 有必要的;必須的
    反: unnecessary a. 不必要的
    Proper maintenance is necessary to keep vehicles in working order.
    Many violent and unnecessary confrontations can be avoided with communication.
    *confrontation n. 衝突,對峙
  5. critical a. 批判的;吹毛求疵的
    衍: be critical of...  批評……;對……吹毛求疵
    Frankly speaking, Mark is too critical of his son's academic performance.
  6. practical a. 實際的;實用的
    反: impractical a. 不切實際的
    This new technology has many practical applications.
    My dad told me that it is important to work hard instead of relying on impractical dreams.
  7. technical a. 技術的;專門的
    This technical school supplies local companies with highly skilled workers.
  8. tuition n. 學費(不可數)
    We must raise enough money to pay for our son's tuition somehow.
  9. incur vt. 引發,招致
    Julia incurred her sister's wrath when she kept criticizing her dress.
    *wrath n. 憤怒
  10. normally adv. 平常;正常地
    Despite the power outage, the hospital continued to function normally.

coding n. 編碼
start-up n. 新創立的公司
academy n. 學院;專科學校
intern n. 實習生
衍: internship n. 實習
on-the-job  在職的;工作上的
衍: on-the-job training  在職訓練
repayment n. 償還;回報

  1. be tied with...  與……有關;(在比賽中)與……打成平手
    Boko Haram terrorists are closely tied with several other international terrorist groups.
    Gary was tied with Chris at the end of the race.
  2. be home to...  是……的所在地/發源地
    This river is home to several endangered species of fish.
  3. a number of + 複數名詞  一些/若干……
    衍: an amount of + 不可數名詞  一些/若干……
    A number of celebrities have donated money to this famous charity.
    Only a small amount of this drug is needed for the treatment of the disease.
  4. be based on / upon...  根據……
    The movie was based on a real-life incident.

Make School 是一種新式學校,教導大學所欠缺的技巧。
  製作你自己的應用程式或產品可能相當困難。那不僅需要像是編碼和設計等電腦技能,建立一項應用程式也需要像是與投資者交談和管理金錢等商業技巧。如今,Make School 存在真是一則福音。
  Make School 創立於 2012 年,該校與矽谷有密切的關係,矽谷為谷歌、臉書、推特、雅虎以及許多世界上最先進高科技公司的所在地。作為矽谷新創公司文化的一部份,Make School 具有非常具體的目標:教導大學畢業生在學校學不到的必備技能。這包括了批判性思維、創造力以及講求實際的商業頭腦。
  Make School 有數種課程,包括夏季學院與產品學院。夏季課程的時間長度與暑假相當,但產品學院卻是為期兩年的課程計劃,探討成功所需的技術與社會技巧。學生也有機會在新創公司和頗具聲望的公司實習。這項在職經驗使得畢業生更有可能謀取一份好工作,或甚至創立他們自己的公司。
  然而,一學年的學費超過一萬美元,因此 Make School 並不便宜。值得慶幸的是,想參加 Make School 的美國公民和居民可以使用以收入為基礎的償付計劃。這意味著學生會依據他們畢業後的薪水償還學校。其目的是要為學生提供教育,而不用使他們深陷龐大的就學貸款,它也開放課程給那些通常無法負擔高等教育的人們。
答案:1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C

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