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2024/11/01 第745期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Contacting by Fax 以傳真聯絡
【英語學習Plus】 EMP Museum EMP博物館
【本月發燒書】 FUN學美國英語閱讀課本7:各學科實用課文【二版】(菊8K+Workbook+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
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Contacting by Fax 以傳真聯絡

Jared needs to confirm changes to an order.

J: Katharine, can you write up a fax for me?

K: Sure. Who's it for?

J: It's for Susan Gregory at Shoes News. She's just changed her order and I need to send her a confirmation of the changes. Then she's got to sign the confirmation sheet and fax it back to us.
給 Shoes News 公司的蘇珊.桂格里。她剛剛改了訂單,我要傳變更確認給她。然後她要在確認單上簽名後回傳給我們。

K: No problem. What are the changes? I should list them on the fax, right?

J: Yes, here's her original order and my notes of the changes. She just wanted to add another 20 pairs of the smallest size.
對,這是她原本的訂單,這個則是我記下的變更。她是要加訂20 雙最小尺寸的鞋子。

K: All right, I'll write it up and send it to you to review ASAP.

J: Oh, I don't think I'll need to review it. Just fax it to her when you're done.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「以傳真聯絡」

EMP Museum EMP博物館

I've visited many different museums for my arts column, but none of them was more fun than EMP in downtown Seattle. For one thing, there's the building's unique exterior. How could someone not love the look? There is a train track running through the middle of the building. It looks like a train station on the moon!

It's not only the exterior that stands out, but also the exhibits inside. They help to make the EMP Museum truly one of a kind. Most museums focus on the past, but EMP looks at the present. Exhibits cover different aspects of popular culture like music, movies, sports, and even video games. My favorite exhibit was Seattle Seahawks and the Road to Victory. It really gave me a behind-the-scenes look at Seattle's football team.

Perhaps the EMP Museum is so unique because of the colorful people behind it. It was founded by Microsoft's Paul Allen in 2000, and designed by Frank Gehry, a famous Canadian architect. Just visit EMP and you will see that their hard work has really paid off.




──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 2:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》


智圖神奇記憶初級英文文法 (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


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