擁有百萬讀者的書摘網站Brain Pickings每年底選出年度最佳書籍,今天我們介紹其中的六本刻骨銘心人生教材。我們也許還沒有機會每一本都讀,但唸這一篇文章,在它們還沒有譯成中文版之前就搶先看了。這些進入文章前,請先想想下列英文怎麼說: a) 刻骨銘心的 b) 冥想 c) 疆域 1. ON THE MOVE by Oliver Sacks 知名醫生作家Oliver Sacks生前的最後遺作。這本自傳紀錄了他從1960年代開始從事精神科醫師的過程,以及這一路上,他與病患之間刻骨銘心的故事。 As the last book of the famous doctor and writer Oliver Sacks, it shows how Sacks started as a neurologist in the 1960s, and those patients he’d met created all the a) poignant stories in his life. 2. THE PHYSICIST & THE PHILOSOPHER by Jimena Canales 哲學家和科學家真的那麼不同嗎?本書記錄愛因斯坦與伯特森跨時代的精彩辯論,從哲學及科學的角度探討時空的定義,並在衝突之間找到全新的觀點。 Is it really 1) out of the question that the philosopher and the scientist are different? This book introduces the debate between Albert Einstein and Henri Bergson, defining time in both philosophical and scientific ways, and finding new perspective in the conflict. 3. ONGOINGNESS by Sarah Manguso Sarah Manguso一直以來都將寫日記視為一種獨特的冥想方式。她的日記寫了長達25年,字數高達80萬字。這本書便取材自她25年來所寫的冥想日記。 Writer Sarah Manguso considers writing a diary as a special way of b) meditation. She had been writing her diary for 25 years and the diary has more than 800,000 words. This book is inspired by her 25-years diary. 4. WHAT TO THINK ABOUT MACHINES THAT THINK by John Brockman 本書包含了各大科學家們對人工智慧的看法。「擁有思考能力的機器人」聽起來只存在於科幻電影中,但隨著人們不斷開拓新的科學領域,當今科學家們展開了對人工智慧的辯論。 In this book, well-known scientists today share their thoughts about Artificial Intelligence. Machines that think might sound kind of unreal, but as humans keep on exploring the new c) frontier in science, scientists today are starting the debate about it. 5. H IS FOR HAWK by Helen Macdonald 作家Helen Macdonald與她與眾不同的寵物--一隻兇猛的野生蒼鷹--譜出了一段感動人心的故事,同時她也經由這段過程學習到該如何面對她的喪父之痛。 Writer Helen Macdonald’s pet is really 2) another kettle of fish. Macdonald and her wild goshawk create a touching story and this experience also helps her to get through her father's death. 6. RISING STRONG by Brené Brown 社會學家Brené Brown在此書中從挫折與失敗切入探討成功的力量。從企業家到軍人,從老師到長跑情侶,Brené Brown並不分享人們成功的秘密,而是分享他們如何從失敗中爬起來經驗。 For exploring the power of being strong, social scientist Brené Brown 3) weighs in from failure. From business men to military soldiers, teachers to couples in long-term relationships, Brown is not focusing on how they succeed but how they become stronger after failing. 口語詞彙 1. out of the question 完全不可能的 連問都不用問,也就是完全不可能或是完全不需要猶豫的意思。 She can‘t go out in the middle of the night, it’s totally out of the question. 連想都別想,她絕對不可以在半夜出門。 2. another kettle of fish 截然不同的事物 指完全不一樣,不與其他相同的事物。 Your friend Emily is another kettle of fish to you. 你的好友Emily 跟你真是南轅北轍。 3. weigh in 介入,加入 可以指介入某件事件,或是切入一個議題或問題。 I think we had to weigh in from different angles to solve the problem. 我認為我們應該從不同的角度去解決這個問題。 |