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2016/03/21 第178期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

英文面試進階版 - 面試陷阱題

a) 條件太好
b) 降職
c) 古怪的

Question 1: You might be a) overqualified.
It could mean: There must be something wrong with you.
In asking this question, the interviewer has most likely already concluded that you are, technically, overqualified for the job. By asking this question, they’re giving you a chance to explain why you want this job when it is seemingly ‘beneath’ you. You must use your communication skills to convince the interviewer why a b) demotion is a good option.

Question 2. Tell me about your weakness.
It could mean: Give me a reason to tell my boss not to hire you.
The interviewer is trying to figure out if it will be hard for you to do a good job or fit into the organization. He is also interested in how you handle a tough question like this. Let him see some positive side in your answer. For example, “I sometimes 1) go the extra mile so as not to disappoint anyone.”

Question 3. Have you ever thought about having kids?
It could mean: This question is totally illegal but hopefully you won’t notice since I’m smiling.
The questions related to your family, nationality, gender, race and religion could actually be illegal. Unfortunately, these questions get asked more often than you think. The best way to answer is to avoid promising anything in terms of your future. You should 2) steer the conversation back to a job-related topic that assures the interviewer that you’re committed to your professional growth.

Question 4. If you are trapped on a desert island with only 3 movies, what would they be?
It could mean: I just googled it to make me sound creative.
c) Oddball questions are usually meant to determine how suitable you are for this job, besides what's on your resume. In such a situation, don’t try to come up with the most brilliant answer on the spot. Instead, use the opportunity to demonstrate your thought process, to communicate your values and characteristic.

1) go the extra mile 付出比別人期望中還要大的努力
He is always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.

2) steer back 引導回
He made an attempt to steer the conversation back to Heather.




  1. This chocolate cake is in the house. 這個巧克力蛋糕是免費招待的。
  2. That poor lady was killed by a sharp knife. 那位可憐的女士是被利刃所殺。
  3. You may call Mary in her office. 你可以打電話到瑪麗的辦公室給她。
  4. The thief got in from the window. 小偷從窗戶進入。
  5. This is not my fault. You’re barking at the wrong tree. 這不是我的錯,你找錯人了。


  1. This chocolate cake is on the house. 口語上我們常說this is on me,意即「我請客」,on the house就是「由店家招待」,介系詞也是用on。請別一看到house,就以為該用in,那就會變成「在房子裡」。
  2. That poor lady was killed with a sharp knife. 看到中文有「被」,你很可能以為該用by,但被動式的句子裡,by後面是接做出此動作的人,利刃不是人,而是加害者使用的工具,介系詞應該改為表示「用」的with。
  3. You may call Mary at her office. 用in her office很像是你本人在瑪麗的辦公室,然後打電話給瑪麗,但此句是指打電話接通瑪麗的辦公室找她,介系詞改用at較不會有誤解。
  4. The thief got in through the window. 中文裡雖有「從」,卻不該用from,因為from代表的是「從…開始」,本身沒有「穿透」的意涵,改用through才恰當。
  5. This is not my fault. You’re barking up the wrong tree. 我們常用bark at表示狗吠叫的對象,但這個慣用語的由來是獵犬向沒有獵物的樹亂吠,後來引申為「找錯目標、錯怪了人」,或「精力花在不該花的地方」。獵犬是「向上」吠樹,所以介系詞應該用up。

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