2016年3月7日 星期一

Scooby Dooby Doo, Where Are You?   史酷比,你在哪裡?

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2016/03/08 第237期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Scooby Dooby Doo, Where Are You?   史酷比,你在哪裡?

照片來源:Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com

  People love pets, and dogs are one of the most popular animals to have as a pet. But what animal would you want to help you solve crimes? This laughable question can be answered by the cartoon Scooby-Doo. This lovably silly dog, Scooby-Doo, figures out mysteries with his hippy owner Shaggy, as well as three other teens, Fred, Velma, and Daphne. They ride around in their van, the Mystery Machine, and help people solve crimes.
  Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! started in 1969 as a Saturday morning cartoon and continues to this day. This gang of five has a knack for figuring out mysteries involving supernatural creatures, or people pretending to be them in costume. On the show, there have been a lot of appearances by guest stars, like the Harlem Globetrotters, and some close relatives, like Scrappy-Doo and Scooby-Dum.
  Scooby-Doo has been the star of many series and movies made for TV. There was even a live-action film released in theaters in 2002. Overall, Scooby-Doo and his friends have been part of American culture for more than 45 years. In 2013, TV Guide even listed Scooby-Doo as the fifth best cartoon character ever created.

照片來源:ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com


  《叔比狗,你在哪裡!》於 1969 年開播成為週六早上的卡通節目並持續到現在。這五人小組有一種本領能夠幫他們破解包括鬼神或是人們穿著特殊服裝假扮成鬼神的謎團。在這部卡通節目裡,一直有許多明星特別來賓露臉,像是哈林籃球隊和史酷比的一些近親如史卡比及史酷比唐姆。
  史酷比一直是許多電視影集和電視電影裡的明星。甚至有一部真人版的電影於 2002 年在電影院裡播映。整體說來,史酷比和牠的朋友成為美國文化的一部分已經超過四十五年了。 2013 年時,《電視指南》雜誌甚至將史酷比列為史上被創作出來最佳的卡通人物第五名。

  1. laughable a. 有趣的;可笑的
    The idea Donald gave at the meeting was laughable.
  2. lovably adv. 討人喜歡地
    The lovably goofy clown entertained all of the children at the birthday party.
    * goofy [ `gufI ] a. 傻的;愚蠢的
  3. van n.(廂式)小型貨車,廂型車
    The van crashed into a store but no one was hurt.
  4. gang n. 一群朋友(尤指年輕人);(罪犯的)一幫或一夥
    The two gangs stood face to face on the street.
  5. creature n.(奇怪的)生物;動物
    This film is about the invasion of strange creatures from another planet.
  6. pretend vt. & vi. 假裝,佯裝
    pretend to be sb/sth  假扮成某人或某物
    Tommy was pretending to be a lion in the play.
  7. release vt. 上映;發行
    Marvel's next superhero movie is expected to be released sometime this summer.
  8. overall adv. 整體說來;總共
    Overall, Jimmy behaves quite well at school even though he doesn't like going to school.
  1. Great Dane n. 大丹狗
  2. knack n.(天生的)技能,本領
  3. costume n.(特殊裝扮用的)戲服,服裝
  4. relative n. 親戚

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