2018年10月22日 星期一

Oldest Message in a Bottle Found 漂流一百三十二年的瓶中信

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2018/10/23 第386期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Oldest Message in a Bottle Found  漂流一百三十二年的瓶中信
by Evan Witkowski

Washed up on a beach in Western Australia is a message lost in time.


  Combing the beach for shells, sea glass, or colorful rocks is a leisure activity enjoyed by many. Some even use metal detectors to find buried treasure or other objects. __1__ The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean has an interesting past. __2__
  Illman was on a family outing when she noticed the antique glass bottle in the sand and thought it would make a nice decoration. __3__ The damp page was a message written in German and dated June 12, 1886. According to official documents from the German sailing vessel, Paula, a crew member tossed the bottle overboard an estimated 950 km off the coast of Western Australia. __4__
  Historians confirm that thousands of similar bottles were cast overboard by German ships between 1864 and 1933. Contained inside were official documents written by the captain of the ship, detailing routes, coordinates, and other information. __5__
  On the back of the notes were instructions to write the time and place the bottles were found and return them to the German Naval Observatory in Hamburg or the nearest German authorities. Using this information for reference was an early system of studying patterns in nature and the vast ocean currents in particular.
(A) While she was cleaning the sandy gin bottle, a rolled up paper tied with a string fell out.
(B) Only the lucky few have encountered a message in a bottle that was dropped off by the tide.
(C) These early messages in a bottle were an attempt by the German Naval Observatory to map ocean currents around the world.
(D) Nonetheless, the last bottle and note to be found was on January 7, 1934, in Denmark.
(E) Further research authenticated the letter, which had been sent afloat 132 years ago and is the oldest message in a bottle ever recovered.
(F) An early scientific use for the practice was revealed when the oldest recorded message in a bottle was found by Tonya Illman on a beach near Wedge Island, Australia.


1. 第一題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Some even use metal detectors..."(有些人甚至用金屬探測器……),而 (B) 項句子提及 "Only the lucky few have encountered..."(只有少數幸運的人會意外拾獲……),前一句的 Some(有些人)與 (B) 項句子的 Only the lucky few(只有少數幸運的人)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. encounter vt. 意外發現,偶然邂逅;遭遇
Anna encountered her favorite singer at the mall.
b. drop off... / drop... off  把……送到某處;讓……下車
Larry dropped off his dirty clothes at the dry cleaner’s on his way to work.

2. 第二題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean..."(這個把一封寄給未知收件人的信放入瓶中並將其扔進海裡的傳統……),而 (F) 項句子提及 "An early scientific use for the practice was revealed..."(……便揭開了此做法早期的科學用途),前一句的 The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean(這個把一封寄給未知收件人的信放入瓶中並將其扔進海裡的傳統)即是 (F) 項句子提及的 the practice(此做法),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

practice n. 做法
: common practice  普遍的做法
It is common practice for guests to bring a gift when visiting friends in Taiwan.

3. 第三題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Illman was on a family outing when she noticed the antique glass bottle in the sand..."(伊爾曼在家庭出遊時注意到沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶……),而 (A) 項句子提及 "While she was cleaning the sandy gin bottle..."(她在清理這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶時……),前一句的 the antique glass bottle in the sand(沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶)即是 (A) 項句子的 the sandy gin bottle(這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

gin n. 杜松子酒,琴酒

4. 第四題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "... a crew member tossed the bottle overboard an estimated 950 km off the coast of Western Australia."(……一名船員在距離西澳海岸約九百五十公里處將該瓶子拋進大海。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "... which had been sent afloat 132 years ago and is the oldest message in a bottle ever recovered."(……它被丟入大海漂流一百三十二年,且是曾被重新拾獲的最古老瓶中信。),前一句的 tossed the bottle overboard(將該瓶子拋進大海)與 (E) 項句子的 which had been sent afloat(被丟入大海)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

a. authenticate vt. 證明……為真實
These experts have authenticated the document.
b. afloat adv. & a. 在海上(的);漂浮(的)

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Contained inside were official documents written by the captain of the ship, detailing routes, coordinates, and other information."(其中包含船長所寫的官方文件,其詳細記錄了航線、座標以及其他訊息。),而 (C) 項句子提及 "... were an attempt by the German Naval Observatory to map ocean currents around the world."(……是德國海軍氣象天文臺嘗試將世界各地洋流繪製成地圖所做的努力。),前一句的 detailing routes, coordinates, and other information(其詳細記錄了航線、座標以及其他訊息)與 (C) 項句子的 map ocean currents around the world(將世界各地洋流繪製成地圖)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. attempt n. 嘗試;企圖
: in an attempt to V  試圖(做)……
Terry worked day and night in an attempt to finish the project on time.
b. observatory n. 天文臺;觀測站
c. current n. 水流;流動

1. comb vt. & vi. 徹底搜尋;梳理 & n. 梳子
: comb one’s hair  (某人)梳頭髮
comb through...  (在大量物件中)仔細搜尋……
My grandfather combed the house looking for his glasses.
It is said that combing one’s hair at midnight will bring bad luck.
Albert combed through the shelves looking for the novel with J.K. Rowling’s autograph in it.
艾伯特仔細在書架上尋找那本有 J.K. 羅琳親筆簽名的小說。
*autograph n. 親筆簽名

2. antique a. 古董的,古時製造的
A foreign collector bid US$5,000 for an antique vase at the auction.
*bid vt.(在拍賣中)出價(三態同形)
auction n. 拍賣

3. damp a. 潮濕的;有濕氣的
The lawn was damp with dew.

4. document n. 文件;紀錄 & vt.(以記述、拍攝電影或照片的方式)記錄
Linda was hopping mad about the mistake that Jeff had made in the document.
*hopping mad  氣到跳腳,氣瘋了
The doctor wanted the nurse to document everything the patient ate.

5. vessel n. 船(艦);血管

6. toss vt. 扔,擲,拋 & vi. 輾轉反側
: toss and turn  輾轉反側,翻來覆去
The naughty boy tossed a rock and broke my neighbor’s window.
George tossed and turned for hours, worrying about the upcoming exam.

7. detail vt. 詳述;詳細列出 & n. 細節
: in detail  詳細地
= at length
I need the report detailing your travel expenses by this Friday.
Please tell me what happened in detail.

8. route n. 航線;路線
What’s the shortest route to the library from here?

9. authorities n. 當局(恆用複數)
: the authorities concerned  有關當局

10. reference n. 參考;提到,言及
: make reference to...  提到/言及……
= refer to...
= mention vt.
The speaker made reference to some events from the past year.
John didn’t like anyone referring to his family background.

a metal detector  金屬探測器
: a lie detector  測謊器
detector n. 探測器
recipient n. 接收者,接受者
outing n. 外出/出遊/遠足(短途,不超過一天)
: go on an outing to + 地方  去某地遠足
overboard adv. 越過船舷(多指掉入水中);在船外
coordinate n. 座標 & vt. 協調

1. an estimated + 數字  估計有……
estimated a. 估計的,估算的
: estimate vt. & n. 估計
An estimated 1,000 people will come to this concert.
Carl estimated he would need to save NT$80,000 for his Mexican vacation.
Please give me a rough estimate of how much time you’ll need to complete the project.

2. off the coast of...  在……外海
coast n. 海岸,沿海地區
Two boats sank off the coast of the island during the storm.

3. in particular  尤其,特別地
注意in particular 相當於副詞 particularly,使用時可置於句首修飾全句,亦可用來強調名詞,唯 in particular 要置於名詞之後(如本文用法),而particularly 則置於名詞之前。
The food in that restaurant is very good; in particular, the roast beef is really something.
Kevin likes all kinds of movies, comedies in particular.
= Kevin likes all kinds of movies, particularly comedies.



  伊爾曼在家庭出遊時注意到沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶,認為它會是個很棒的裝飾品。她在清理這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶時,一張捲起來並用細繩綁著的紙條掉了出來。這頁潮溼紙張上的訊息以德文寫成,並押上 1886 年六月十二日的日期。根據德國航海船艦寶拉號的官方文件,一名船員在距離西澳海岸約九百五十公里處將該瓶子拋進大海。進一步的研究證明了這封信的真實性,它被丟入大海漂流一百三十二年,且是曾被重新拾獲的最古老瓶中信。
  歷史學家證實,數以千計類似的瓶子在 1864 年至 1933 年間被德國船舶丟出船外。其中包含船長所寫的官方文件,其詳細記錄了航線、座標以及其他訊息。這些早期的瓶中信是德國海軍氣象天文臺嘗試將世界各地洋流繪製成地圖所做的努力。
1. B  2. F  3. A  4. E  5.C




「在科技業加班是常態,工時長得令人筋疲力竭,回到家常常已是晚上 10 點,只能在睡前略讀一下,成效不彰。」以上是我的親身見證與故事,與您分享。

「時間在變,熱忱不變」30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠 ﹥雜誌訂半年就送「韓版休閒後背包」!訂一年則送「韓國LONGBO30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠  英文不好、多益只有400分,可以出國旅遊嗎?
標題的好壞,直接決定了讀者的閱讀與否。本文整理了 5 種標題的寫作方式,幫助我們快速掌握吸睛標題的寫作方式,學習抓住閱聽人的目光。

季節限定賞楓秘境 內行人才知

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