2018年5月17日 星期四


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2018/05/18 第410期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 古蹟
【本月發燒書】 新制多益閱讀考題完全戰略 Basic(16K)
【好康情報局】 衝刺你的英語力!【應用英文書展,參展書79折】
口語會話 Follow me

You asked for it.

A: I can't believe Steve broke my favorite mug on purpose.
B: Well, you asked for it. You shouldn't have spread those rumors about him.

A: 我真不敢相信史蒂夫故意打破我最愛的馬克杯。
B: 這個嘛,你活該,你不該到處散播他的謠言。

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古蹟 Historical Sites

Tour Guide: We're now standing in front of Tamsui's oldest historical site, Fort Antonio.

Man: Excuse me, Lisa, but my guidebook says it's called Fort San Domingo.

Tour Guide: That's a common mistake. Fort San Domingo was the name of a fort built on this site in 1628 by the Spanish, but it was later destroyed when the Dutch expelled them.

Man: I see. But if it was destroyed, what are these buildings, then?

Tour Guide: That's a good question. In 1643, the Dutch started to build a fort of their own here called Fort Antonio, which they controlled until they were ousted by the Chinese.

Man: That red brick building over there doesn't look like it was built in the 1600s.

Tour Guide: You're right. In 1867, the British took over the fort and used it as a trade consulate. That red brick building was built as the consular residence.

Man: Can we go inside?

Tour Guide: Yes, the old British consular residence is now a museum. Let's go inside and take a look, shall we?



導遊:那是常見的誤解。聖多明哥城是西班牙人在1628 年於此地所建的城堡名稱。但是,後來荷蘭人把西班牙人趕走時,城堡被毀。


導遊:這是個好問題。1643 年,荷蘭人在這裡開始興建他們自己的城堡,稱為安東尼堡,他們控制此地,直到被中國人驅逐。


導遊:你說得沒錯。1867 年,英國人接管城堡,作為領事館之用,並興建那棟紅磚樓作為領事的官邸。



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