2018年5月21日 星期一

Temptation Bundling: A New Tool in the Fight against Procrastination   打擊拖延症!「誘惑綑綁」不容你拖拖拉拉

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2018/05/22 第351期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Temptation Bundling: A New Tool in the Fight against Procrastination  打擊拖延症!「誘惑綑綁」不容你拖拖拉拉
Psychologists have recently come up with a new way to get people to stop procrastinating.



   The carrot and stick method was long thought to be the best way to beat procrastination. When you complete a boring task or a really difficult assignment, you give yourself a reward like a big bowl of ice cream. Most of the time, however, this doesn't work because people simply reward themselves first and don't finish the task. Now, there is a new method to get people to do things on time called temptation bundling.
   Simply put, temptation bundling is
combining something you love with a task you don't want to do into one activity. For instance, you could encourage yourself to go to the gym by only allowing yourself to watch your favorite TV show when you are there. Or, you could make it your policy to only go to your favorite cafe when you need to study. This gives you a reason to not procrastinate, and it can eventually help you turn a hated activity into something you love. You may look forward to going to the gym because you can't wait to see the next episode of your favorite show, or you might study harder while sipping a latte. Instead of running away from your duties, give temptation bundling a try.




temptation n. 誘惑,引誘
bundle vt. 捆綁銷售,搭售;綑
procrastination n. 拖延,耽擱(正式用語)
psychologist n. 心理學家
procrastinate vi. 拖延,耽擱(正式用語)
episode n.(連載節目中的)一集


1. assignment n. 任務;作業
Our assignment in the class is to make a 20-minute presentation.
* presentation n. 報告;介紹

2. reward n. 獎賞,報酬 & vt. 獎勵,酬謝
Julie gave John a handwritten thank-you card as a reward for his help.
Parents should reward their kids with hugs and kisses instead of candy.

3. simply adv. 僅僅,只是
You can't solve this problem by simply applying common sense.
* common sense n. 常識

4. combine A with B  結合 A 與 B;同時做 A 與 B;兼具 A 與 B
Combining a healthy diet with daily exercise is a good way to stay fit.

5. policy n.(處事的)原則,策略
It's against our policy to let you open the wrapper of this magazine before you buy it.
* wrapper n.(貨物的)包裝紙

6. hated a. 令人憎惡的,討厭的
Doing the dishes is Jack's most hated household chore.

7. look forward to V-ing/N  (興奮地)期待/盼望(做)某事
Marty is looking forward to his trip to Japan next month.

8. sip vt. & vi. 啜飲
Beryl enjoys sipping tea in the yard with her friends in the afternoon.


本文 "The carrot and stick method was long thought to be the best way to beat procrastination." 中的 carrot and stick 表「威逼利誘,胡蘿蔔加棍子」,是一種以獎勵(胡蘿蔔)與懲罰(棍子伺候)同時進行的一種策略,即使用軟硬兼施的手段使人屈服。carrot 本義為「胡蘿蔔」,常被引申為「(為使某人做某事而給予的)報酬,好處」。例:

When dealing with North Korea, the US tries to take a carrot and stick approach.

Patrick refused to work on holidays despite the carrot of receiving double pay.





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