There was a buzz as some two dozen concertgoers in silk scarves and sparkling jewels arrived with the help of wheelchairs, walkers and canes, and took their seats in the ornate, hardwood-floor concert hall of Milan's Rest Home for Musicians, known as Casa Verdi, which is run by the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation.
A hush fell, as two musicians in evening dress took up their positions behind two golden harps. The room filled with shimmering music by Debussy. The audience was rapt.
位於義大利米蘭的「威爾第之家」,是專門讓年長音樂家入住的安養院。 美聯社
位於義大利米蘭的「威爾第之家」,是專門讓年長音樂家入住的安養院。 美聯社
"Bravo," murmured Luisa Mandelli, a soprano who sang with Maria Callas at La Scala in Milan. Then she cocked her head in dismay: Two seats away, a nattily-dressed tenor in a black suit and tie had begun snoring gently. "He's 98," whispered Mandelli, who is 95. She leaned over and slapped her former colleague's knee.
Mandelli is one of 60 older musicians living in Casa Verdi, a sumptuous neo-Gothic mansion built in central Milan by Verdi. Completed in 1899, the building was created as a sanctuary for musicians who found themselves poverty-stricken in old age, "Old singers not favored by fortune, or who, when they were young, did not possess the virtue of saving," as Verdi wrote in a letter at the time.
Nowadays, pensions and social security have reduced the economic necessity of a refuge like this, said Roberto Ruozi, president of the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation, which uses investments made with the royalties from the composer's operas to fund the rest home. Residents pay on a sliding scale, according to their means.
Nonetheless, Casa Verdi is inundated each year with applications from composers, conductors, singers, orchestral players, music teachers and anyone else who has "exercised the art of music as a profession," as the foundation's website puts it. Once applicants establish their professional bona fides, Casa Verdi's board makes choices based on who they think will be a good fit.
The successful applicants get to spend their last years in a place where, in addition to room, board and medical treatment, they have access to concerts, music rooms, 15 pianos, a large organ, harps, drum sets and the company of their peers.
"Now, the majority of our clients are not in very bad economic condition, but wish to continue to play, and be involved with, music," Ruozi said. Casa Verdi's talented clientele have the same needs as other old people, with some exceptions, he added: "First, they need music. Second, they want to be treated not as common guests, but as special guests — as a star." Ruozi sighed. "We have 60 old musicians and 60 stars."
casa是義大利文,意為house,即指「房屋」,因此文中的Casa Verdi就譯為「威爾第之家」,這個字如今也當作英語來使用。
觀賞音樂會時,我們常聽到觀眾喊「bravo」,這也是義大利語,意為well done(太棒了),表達喝采之意。因為許多歌劇都是用義大利語寫的,文中提到的威爾第正是寫出「茶花女」、「阿依達」的義大利知名作曲家,所以觀眾用bravo喝采也就成為流行。
soprano(女高音)和tenor(男高音)字源皆是拉丁語。soprano源自supra,意為above/high(在...之上/高)之意,ano是名詞字尾,合起來就是「能唱高音的人」。tenor源自tenere,意為to hold(維持),引申為「能唱特定音域的人」。
bona fides本身就是拉丁語,意為good faith(善意),形容詞為bona fide(真正的、善意的)。這個字在法律方面,例如簽訂合約時,表示當事人會誠實地對待彼此的一種信念。在本文,這個字意指,年長的音樂家為了申請進入養老院,要真誠表達出身為音樂家的專業形象,也就是提出「資歷證明」。