翻滾吧參賽者!瘋狂又危險的滾起司大賽 Cheese-Rolling: A Race to the Bottom MAY. 27,2024 / Enjoy Editors A grand old tradition with mysterious origins Every year, just outside the town of Brockworth, England, people chase a wheel of cheese down a hill. As strange as it may sound, it is an actual racing event with a long history. The cheese is intentionally rolled downhill as part of the cheese-rolling race at Cooper's Hill. This contest has become world-famous for being one of the most dangerous "extreme sports," landing many contestants in the hospital every year. Common injuries include bruises, scrapes, and broken bones. While no one knows for sure about the origins of this event, several theories have been proposed. 有著神祕起源的盛大古老傳統 每年,在英國布羅克沃夫鎮外,人們會追逐一塊滾下山丘的起司。聽起來或許很奇怪,但它是真實存在且歷史悠久的賽事。人們故意讓起司滾下山以作為庫柏山滾起司大賽的一部分。這項比賽因成為最危險的「極限運動」之一而聞名於世,每年都將許多參賽者送進醫院。人們常受的傷包括瘀傷、擦傷及骨折。雖然沒有人確切知道該活動的起源,但人們提出了幾種理論。 - contest n. 比賽
- land sb in... 使某人陷入(困境、麻煩等)
- theory n. 說法,理論